Friday, August 28, 2015


Hello there. I know I've been on hiatus for a while, and it's for a good reason so calm down.

Nothing much has been happening so far. And by nothing, I quite literally mean nothing.

I've worked for the past two months non-stop. I get a couple days off here and there, fortunately, but never consistently. All my friends have left for college.

Have you ever been at a point in your life where nothing gives you real satisfaction? You have so many things that you'd like to do, but won't ever, so you just sit around being unhappy all the time? You literally want to do everything and yet nothing.

I have hit that point.

I mean, sure, I'm at a weird transitioning point in my life; that awkward space between high school and college where all my friends are getting married or are in relationships, while I'm here....Not.

Yep. It's great.

My life has become null and void of any real joy. And I don't say that in a pitiful way at all. It's simple fact. Not much makes me happy anymore. I just kind of float from day to day, working and barely sleeping or eating.

The only consistent thing is my music. I listen to it when I'm not sleeping or working (which isn't that often, sadly), and it keeps me going. Yeah sure, I don't understand it because it's in a different language, but I feel like that makes it that much better, you know? I like it despite not understanding a single word of it.

[And now I will do a SNSD masterpost on their latest comeback]

SNSD has come back since my last post, with a single "Party", and soon after "Check", released July 6th.

Aw look at them. My girls. (Minus Jessica T.T)

My girls slowly killing me.

Since then, they've released their newest (and most experimental, imo) album; Lion Heart. The entire album includes three singles: "Party", "Lion Heart", and "You Think".

Lion Heart is a BEAUTIFUL video, just throwing that out there.


Okay, then you've got You Think which is totally different from what they've done before.

Very bad-girl. 


(Okay I'm done).

People make fun of me -I know. Let them laugh. Let them poke fun and mock what they don't know. They're only doing what they've been taught: to shun anything that's different from what they do or think.

Don't get me wrong -I love being gay. It's one of the best (yet worst?) things to happen to me because I've learned how people act and think. I've learned to open my mind to others' opinions, and not be a total dirtbag because I may not see eye-to-eye with them.

Anywho, that's my story of the past two months. Tolerating people because I have no patience whatsoever.

The end.