Saturday, November 26, 2016

As of Late

It's been a long time. Eight months, in fact.

Honestly, it's been a long year, and I know nobody is reading this, but let's start with the small stuff.


What has happened lately? My queen Taeyeon had a comeback mid-summer. The title track held the same name as the album, "Why".


The album leaned more towards the EDM, generally. It wasn't something I always liked, but this album helped me to expand my horizons, of sort. And! she released a dance version.

Red Velvet also had their comeback in early September, titled "Russian Roulette". Besides their stylists still sucking, as usual, it was a brilliant mini-album.

They look fab as ever, and their dance moves are on point. My love for Wendy also increased. Exponentially. 
Wendy is precious - protect her

Irene's hair is fab

Aaaaand the red hair is back with the SM ladies


So that's what I've been obsessed with lately. Meanwhile, everyone's been releasing new music. Mamamoo, Taeyeon (yes, again), Blackpink, Twice, just - look.

send help

cute lil' babies
(ignore this crappy screenshot)
So yeah. That's it for now. Too tired to function.

Friday, March 18, 2016

"Welcome to Hell"

In case you were wondering, the title is a quote by the famous Hyoyeon of SNSD. Just so you know. 

Lately....honestly just more K-Pop. It's getting harder to find things that make me happy, but K-Pop is at least consistent. I don't know what's happened lately......Lemme check.

So Taeyeon released a song through SM Station, which releases a single from an artist under their label each week. So far, Taeyeon, Taemin, Yoona, D.O. of EXO, and a bunch more.

Taeyeon's song was titled "Rain", and she had a music video filmed for it. I don't really understand it much, but it's gorgeous, jazzy, and just my style.

Here you go. You're welcome.


The B&W scenes were fave :')
Anyway, so there was that. And lucky for us, she released a second B-track that she had reportedly been saving for us fans as a thank-you gift labeled "Secret". Tbh I love it more than "Rain". Almost as much as U R, if you read my last post. That song *clutches heart*. Too many feels.

On a second note, the lovely miss Jessica (that got kicked out of SNSD) will reportedly be releasing her first SOLO ALBUM!!!!!!


I don't actually know any more than that, but hopefully it should be here this month (??). 

Here's a picture of Jessi to remind you;

Cute little mao mao
Meanwhile, Yoona has released her single through SM Station titled "Stonewall Walkway". It's quite adorable. Watch it.



Orange Hair: Hwasa (maknae, fierce, hilarious). Braids: Wheein (my baby). Red drink: Solar (oldest and leader). Back: Moonbyulie (rapper and gay af).

I've liked them for quite a while now, (around 9 months or so) but they just released their first full-length album, "Melting". They pre-released two (or three? idk) songs from the album; "I Miss You", "Taller Than You (1cm Pride)", and "Hometown" before laying on us their main single, "You're The Best". Which is, to say the least, THE BEST. I'll include all their mv's from the album (including "Recipe" and "Girl Crush"). 

They're basically just dragging each other this entire song about being short. (Poor Wheein....)

Their most recent comeback, "You're The Best"

Basically I could go on and on about them, but I'll spare you. They're basically the most talented girls out there, and they're such huge dorks -it hurts me to watch them sometimes. 

They have no image to uphold


Keep in mind this is on live tv

They're faves. Anyway, that's all. Not much has been going on other than being dragged even deeper into K-Pop Hell.

Saturday, December 5, 2015


Hey everyone! I'm back after a semi-long hiatus. Still working. Still doing nothing with my life except K-Pop. Speaking of which....

Taeyeon, my favorite member, released her solo mini-album on October 7th, "I". There are six tracks on her album:

  • I - With lyrics she wrote herself, this song portrays how she feels about her life and the song is honestly just the best. Listen to it. It also features Verbal Jint, the rapper.
  • I (Instrumental) - Pretty self-explanatory. It's just I without her singing. 
  • U R - Okay now this song is life. I can't even talk about it without getting emotional. It's a ballad with a soft piano in the background that eventually turns into a full-scale orchestra I swear, and I can't even remember the lyrics rn but it's beautiful. My favorite song of 2015, hands down.
  • Stress - A more upbeat song about a relationship where the boyfriend (or whatever) is just a pain in the butt and causes her a lot of stress (wow, just like the title). Fun to jam out to.
  • Gemini - I absolutely adore this one. I didn't like it at first because it's a R&B song, but it grew on me and now I love it. Gorgeous.
  • Farewell - I honestly haven't listened to this enough to give a detailed summary, but I'm sure it's amazing because Taeyeon.

Look at this bae


Server Tae is the best Tae

Not to mention that this was back in October. Her song "I" received an all-kill (ranking number one) on the main Korean charts, almost missing it because "U R" was #1 on one of them (which is hilarious to me; she couldn't get an all-kill because one song was blocking the other). She also received the Triple Crown: receiving 1st place for three weeks in a row on Music Bank. It's fabulous. I still love it.  

 To promote her solo debut, Taeyeon held a solo concert that spanned over 4 days as part of SM Entertainment's concert series labeled "The Agit". The dates she performed were October 23, 25, 29th, and November 1st.




Soon thereafter, SNSD held a solo concert in Seoul called "Phantasia" on November 21st and 22nd. They performed many of their title songs, as well as others on their past albums. They'll continue their Phantasia tour into Japan during December, but no other countries have been announced.

Into The New World, the acoustic version

Next big thing: TTS's comeback. Girls' Generation's sub-unit, TaeTiSeo, most recently had their comeback on December 4th, 2015. It was a special Christmas mini-album, titled "Dear Santa". The title track was released in an English and Korean version, Seohyun writing the lyrics for the Korean. 

Adorable babies

Taeyeon is fav, of course

Actual five year-olds, I swear

But also goddesses (Ignore the bad quality)

 Anyway, yeah. That's my update on my girls. I've been wallowing in the black hole that is K-Pop, so other than that, nothing interesting has been happening.

The End!

Have some SoShi

Friday, August 28, 2015


Hello there. I know I've been on hiatus for a while, and it's for a good reason so calm down.

Nothing much has been happening so far. And by nothing, I quite literally mean nothing.

I've worked for the past two months non-stop. I get a couple days off here and there, fortunately, but never consistently. All my friends have left for college.

Have you ever been at a point in your life where nothing gives you real satisfaction? You have so many things that you'd like to do, but won't ever, so you just sit around being unhappy all the time? You literally want to do everything and yet nothing.

I have hit that point.

I mean, sure, I'm at a weird transitioning point in my life; that awkward space between high school and college where all my friends are getting married or are in relationships, while I'm here....Not.

Yep. It's great.

My life has become null and void of any real joy. And I don't say that in a pitiful way at all. It's simple fact. Not much makes me happy anymore. I just kind of float from day to day, working and barely sleeping or eating.

The only consistent thing is my music. I listen to it when I'm not sleeping or working (which isn't that often, sadly), and it keeps me going. Yeah sure, I don't understand it because it's in a different language, but I feel like that makes it that much better, you know? I like it despite not understanding a single word of it.

[And now I will do a SNSD masterpost on their latest comeback]

SNSD has come back since my last post, with a single "Party", and soon after "Check", released July 6th.

Aw look at them. My girls. (Minus Jessica T.T)

My girls slowly killing me.

Since then, they've released their newest (and most experimental, imo) album; Lion Heart. The entire album includes three singles: "Party", "Lion Heart", and "You Think".

Lion Heart is a BEAUTIFUL video, just throwing that out there.


Okay, then you've got You Think which is totally different from what they've done before.

Very bad-girl. 


(Okay I'm done).

People make fun of me -I know. Let them laugh. Let them poke fun and mock what they don't know. They're only doing what they've been taught: to shun anything that's different from what they do or think.

Don't get me wrong -I love being gay. It's one of the best (yet worst?) things to happen to me because I've learned how people act and think. I've learned to open my mind to others' opinions, and not be a total dirtbag because I may not see eye-to-eye with them.

Anywho, that's my story of the past two months. Tolerating people because I have no patience whatsoever.

The end.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Time Machine

Hiya! So, it's been a while. A very long while. This is just sort of an update about everything?? I guess.

First, the status on Quinn and Trinity. Trinity and I are...awkward. I squirm just thinking about it *shivers* but Quinn and I are still friends. We've moved past all the awkwardness of our history without forgetting it, so that's good. But we're still able to talk about it like mature human beings (wow Alex grew up) and we continue to learn from the experience.

Also...I may or may not have done that to my friend, Ashley. She and I got close around the last time I posted, and we started hanging, talking, etc...No, I didn't like her, fyi. BUT I found out, she started to like me. Yes, she is gay. But she didn't realize it until she started hanging out with me (?!). Just to throw it out there, this wasn't the healthiest relationship. Quinn and I didn't have a healthy relationship because we were too close, too dependent on each other. Ashley and I just weren't helping each other. We just had two (also too) different personalities.

So I broke it off. Permanently. Before she got too attached. That should've been easier, right?

Welp, that idea went to crap.

She was not happy. At all. She blamed it on Quinn and what she had done to me (because it was essentially the same thing, right? WRONG), and even confronted her about it. I mean, I don't blame her. From her end, that's what it looked like. Lucky for me, Quinn understood. She let Ashley take the anger out on her for a minute because everyone needs to vent.

Adventure #1: survived.

Next thing that's changed, I finally started liking someone else! It took me, hmm, eight months to fully get over Quinn, and I didn't realize I was until I started liking another little blonde. She was (and is)  my co-worker, believe it or not. I fell fast and hard. It took me around a week to start imagining a future with her -don't judge, okay- and everything seemed happy-go-lucky. We built a friendship rather quickly, and we get along better than ever! Of course, I'd never tell her of my little crush, but seeing her made my day.

Fortunately, (surprisingly) luck was on my side this time. After a month or so, those feelings started to fade. I was slowly learning more and more about her, spending time with her, and the initial "lustful" thoughts were replaced with hilarious and random facts about her and her personality. I still love her to death, but as a friend. Only as a friend. I must admit, it's pretty awesome.

So what then do I decide to occupy my very limited free time with?


(left to right: Kwon Yuri, Kim Taeyeon, Choi Sooyoung, Im Yoona, Seo Ju-hyun (referred to as "Seohyun"), Kim Hyoyeon, Lee Sunkyu, Jessica Jung, and Hwang Tiffany)


A friend of mine recently dragged me down the swirling vortex of K-Pop. While I'm still not well-versed in the hundreds of different artists and groups, I have found my obsession with So Nyeo Shi Dae -SNSD, aka Girls' Generation. There are 9 members (eight now TT.TT) and they debuted in 2007. They are babes now, of course. My favorites include: 

Miss Kim Taeyeon:
I mean look at this dork

She's adorable

Beautiful Ice Princess (Jes)Sica:


Together they are TaengSic:

I also love Sooyoung, 
(the giant)

(and her adorable alligator laugh)


and Yuri. 
(she has the best bod tbh)

wait for it....

I mean, of course I love the others (Hyoyeon dancing queen, maknae Seohyun, and aegyo-master Sunny) but those are my favs. They're all such DORKS, I can't HANDLE IT. 

Their most popular songs include: 
  • "Into the New World" - 2007, their debut song
  • "Gee" -2008
  • "Oh!" -2009
  • "Genie (Tell Me Your Wish)" -idek about years anymore
  • "The Boys" which they promoted in English as well (but it's not as good as the Korean version tbh)
  • "I Got A Boy" kinda weird, but hey, its catchy.
  • "Catch Me If You Can" as their latest comeback (without Sica) which is just kinda lame imo.

(also the post is named after one of their songs)