Saturday, November 29, 2014


Alright! First things first; I'm very new to all of this blogger-stuff, so forgive me if I sound like an idiot on the internet trying to carry a blog. From what I understand, a blog is basically about your life/whatever you want it to be, right? Well, true to its name, mine is going to be full of mindless ramblings. I'm warning you now: you will probably hear about certain people more than once, hence my giving you an opportunity to turn back now while you still can. Otherwise, enjoy. 

Once upon a time...Ew. Nevermind. Forget that.

As I was growing up, I always lived a very -to put it lightly- sheltered life. Raised in a devout LDS family and community, I saw life a little differently than most kids. Or should I say we. All of the kids I grew up with also lived a little differently. Sure, life was fairly normal; go to school, play with my friends, the usual. But the main difference was that there wasn't exactly a real sense of danger there. There were rarely ever crimes committed, and if so, they were lighter crimes such as shoplifting or robbing a store. I could walk down to the park by myself at age 10. The same goes with anything that has to do with maturing/growing up in this big, bad world of ours. I didn't have "the talk" until I was 14, and didn't even understand it until I was 16. Yeah, I watched the news with my parents, even as a kid (no judgement), but it all seemed so surreal to me that such terrible things actually happened.

So yes, you could say I was an innocent child.

Anywho, none of this stopped me from this insatiable need to know. I had this urge to fill my head with anything and everything I possibly could, leading me to an open-mindedness that I wasn't used to seeing. You see, fortunately, the majority of the community shared my beliefs and standards. Unfortunately, as a result of said mutual beliefs, not many people were as open to (and I say this with the utmost respect) opinions that clashed with their own.

Now don't get me wrong; none of them were prejudiced or outwardly hostile towards those who were, per se, but it had been instilled into my brain that I should grow up thinking certain things, acting a certain way...that type of thing.

Wow. Now I really am rambling. My whole purpose for this blog is to share some experiences I've had the past few years. For some odd reason, putting it all out there just feels so much better than keeping it inside.

What is "it", you may ask? Now that is a completely different story.


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