Saturday, December 13, 2014

Girl's Camp

Every year, the girls in our stake who were 12-18 years old took a one-week camping trip. Wards would set up camp in separate areas, sometimes very close to each other. It was a long-time tradition that every girl looked forward to.

Normally, I'd be excited at the prospect of spending time with my friends in the ward, but this year was different. I wasn't friends with any of the younger girls, and I could only tolerate a couple who were my age. Because of this unfortunate fact, I spent as much time away from our camp as possible. 

Lucky for me, karma was on my side. While I was exploring the first day, I discovered that Quinn's ward was camped just above mine. A small trail from my campfire led straight to their tents, and I took advantage of it as often as I could. 

I looked up at Sage, grinning from ear to ear. "Really? You guys wouldn't mind if I sleep with you guys a couple nights?"

"Yeah, totally!" Quinn exclaimed, bouncing up and down. 

"Whoa, there, Quinn!" I placed my hand on her leg to keep her from wiggling, but the cot slid in and out of place.

Sage laughed, pointing at Quinn's t-shirt, "I can see your belly-button!"

"Oh!" Quinn blushed, tugging her shirt down where it had ridden up a couple of inches. She pulled her blanket up to her chin in embarrassment.

"It's just your belly-button," I gently tap her indented chin with my knuckle, "It's not like you're flashing us or anything."

Sage snorted, nodding her head in agreement.

"I mean," I began playfully, "You have two more, anyway." I tapped my index finger on the dent in her chin, motioning to it and her dimple. She'd told me before that she was self-conscious about them, and I couldn't hold it back.

"Hey!" she whined, shooting me a glare. "That's not fair! I don't like them." Her blanket crawled up to her face, covering it in shame.

"Aw, come on, Quinnie," I reached out to her in an embrace, "You know I'm only teasing you! I think they're cute." I pulled her into my side and whispered that last part so only she could hear. 

"Yeah, me too!" piped in one of the other girls, Ashlyn. Whoops, I leaned my head on Quinn's, Guess that was a little louder than I thought. 

I rubbed my hands up and down her arms, coaxing her to rejoin the conversation. Instead, she leaned into me for a moment, snaking her arm around my waist. I smile at the movement, ignoring everyone else in the tent. A minute later, I curled my finger under her chin, tilting her head up and giving her no choice but to look at me. 

"I'm sorry," I said sincerely, "I was just teasing." I gave her my sweetest smile, asking for forgiveness.

She squinted her eyes at me, debating whether she should forgive me or not. She finally sighed in defeat, rolling her eyes as she tilted her had back against my shoulder. "Fine."

"Yes!" I pumped both of my fists to the air, releasing her from my embrace. She just shook her head at me, blue eyes crinkling from the grin that snuck onto her face. "Admit it, you love me."

"Whatever," she replied cheekily, sitting up straight. The smile remained on her face.

"You guys are so cute," Sage interjected, earning surprised looks from everyone. "At your guys' wedding-"

"WHAT?!" Quinn and I both shouted at the same time. Heat rose quickly to my face, and Quinn's as well.

Sage threw her hands up in defense, continuing her sentence, "-if one of you was a boy-"

We both exhaled, realizing what she was saying.

"-I would totally be the photographer. Just because you're adorable together" She finished, laughing at our reactions.

"You are SO weird, Sage," Quinn quickly brushed off the idea of us getting married. "A) We're both girls, B) I'm in high school-"

"And C)," I shot Sage a smirk, "We'd never invite you anyway. You're too insane." A pillow hit my face before I finished my comment.

It fell to my lap, and I glanced at Quinn. She was covering her mouth, trying to stifle her laughter. I dropped my voice, barely loud enough for her to hear. "What? It's true."

She swatted my shoulder, "Be nice!" I retaliated by shoving the pillow into her face, starting an all-out war between the girls.

As I watched the girls swing at each other with pillows, I couldn't help but love each and every one of them.

 Yeah, I'm think I'll enjoy camp this year.

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