Monday, December 29, 2014

Serious Fangirling

Alright, alright, alright. Time to tone down the seriousness for a bit and get a little happy going on.

As an avid Glee fan, those who don't hate the show ask me who my favorite character is. I usually tell them that it's Tina, or Artie, or heck, even Santana. While I love those characters dearly -truly, I do- they are FAR off my favorites. I don't tell anyone because A) I don't wanna seem too gay, and B) I don't want to tell them I have every line memorized from this character.

Who is it?

One Brittany S. Pierce:

(Season 3)

Sure, she's not the brightest crayon in the box and doesn't really have a purpose for three seasons, but she is by far my favorite character. And here's why.

  • Her one-liners. "Did you know that dolphins are just gay sharks?"
  • Her mad dancing skills. If you haven't seen her already, look up "Valerie", "Dance With Somebody", "Tik Tok", and basically every other song she is in. Mad. Skills. 
  • The way her character interacts with Santana. I mean, come on. How sweet and innocent can she get?
  • Last, but not least, her actor, Heather Morris. Or, as most of her fanbase has dubbed her; Hemo.
I guess you could say I'm a little obsessed with Glee; I won't deny it. But Hemo is one of the main reasons I've stayed with it. I don't exactly know why, but she is my main girl crush. Maybe it's the blonde hair and blue eyes. I seem to have a pattern with those traits, (Trinity, Quinn, Rylan, and more), but the fact that she's also very attractive...I stood no chance. I mean, just look at her eyes:



Heather Morris

Also, she is adorable, both on and off the show. 

From Naya Rivera's twitter.

Glee the live tour

(Episode 3x10 "Yes/No")
The quote is from Santana Lopez, her best friend

(Episode 2x13 "Comeback")

I just can't even. But what really gets me is the friendship with Naya Rivera. On the show, their characters (who are dating), Brittany and Santana have a mash-up name: Brittana. Outside the show, they are most often referred to as Heya. (Heather-Naya)


Add an adorable gif.

And the original Heya picture.

Not to mention the Brittana pinky-holding.

One more.

And then there's Hemo's amazingly toned body. I don't mean to objectify her in any way, shape, or form. If anything I'm appreciating her wonderful and rockin' bod.

 Heather Morris - I will get my arms like that again
Those arms.

Heather Morris

Heather Morris
(Glee the live tour: I'm a Slave 4 U)

Honestly, I'm not trying to be pervy or anything, I just want people to love her as much as I do. Also, I need to get this out of my system or I'm going to explode. Only one other person knows about my love for Hemo, and, as I tell him, I must be a Hemosexual. Basically, I love all things Brittana. Heck, I have a secret board on Pinterest that has way more pins on it than any of my other boards. To share the love, I will now show you why Brittana is endgame.


Brittany and Santana

Every girl wants to be looked at like that.

Glee's Brittany and Santana

It's a good thing Ryan Murphy is having a Brittana wedding in the newest season (which doesn't release until January 9), because if he wasn't, I'd probably throw a fit. 

Oh gosh. Now I'm just fangirling. Sorry! This is so embarassing...But I have to get it out. In fact, as I type, I am currently watching my favorite episode of Glee ever: Season 3, episode 21, "Nationals". Most. Favorite. Ever. 

So anyway, that's my Glee/Hemo spheel. Thanks for suffering through it!

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