Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Greetings. I know I wrote earlier about Rylan, and I'm sure I bored all of you with those two obnoxiously long back-stories, but my brain has decided to go a little crazy and only focus on one thing. Or, should I say, one person.

Oh, and before you ask; yes, this person is a girl, and no, I did not have feelings for her like I did the others-which you will no doubt read about later.

This particular person was one of my  main reasons for starting this blog. I wanted to ease into my story with her by introducing the ones that came before her, such as Rylan. My brain disagrees. And sadly, I must do what it commands -what with my entire existence depending on its wishes and demands.

Well, here it is. Hopefully, it won't be too long, but there are no promises. And there might be more than one flashback as well, so just bear with me.

Her name is Quinn.

She was...the best friend I could have ever asked for. Quinn was one of those people that smiled at random people, just to make their day better. She was always the first to jump at any opportunity to help somebody out, even if that meant sacrificing her own needs or desires. Need help carrying something in? Quinn was there. Having a bad day? She was always there. No matter what it cost her, she was always doing good and serving everyone but herself.

Because of her being, well, her, I decided to confide in her my secret while at their house. It was about her identical twin sister, Trinity -with whom she was extremely close. The secret? I was quietly crushing on Trinity. Not too much, and not too obviously, but enough to make me want to spill my guts to her sister, Quinn. I obviously couldn't share that little bit of information with Trin: we interacted too much for it to be even semi-comfortable. I don't even know why I told her; I barely knew Quinn at the time.

Like I said in my first post, Karma sucks. As I was in the middle of telling Quinn all about myself, Trinity walked into the room and said, "What are you guys up to?"

I looked at Quinn, eyes begging for her to stay quiet. "Uh, nothing. Just chatting about the dance last night." Quinn and I had been in the same group for our school's girls-choice dance, the Sadie Hawkins. I wasn't going to outright lie to her; I could never do that. 

She raised a doubtful eyebrow, glancing back and forth between us suspiciously. She looked at Quinn for more information.

Quinn stared at me, conflicted about what to tell her twin. After a moment, she nodded her head. "Yep, that's right."

Eyebrow still fully raised, Trinity asked, "Is that all?"

I don't know why I didn't just leave it at that, but I blurted out, "No!" After receiving confused looks from both girls, I continued sheepishly, "No, that wasn't everything, but it wasn't like the other stuff was important." 

"Okay..." Trinity trails off doubtfully. I expected her to leave the room, but she remained rooted to that spot, expecting us to continue. 

Crap. I very well couldn't just continue on talking about her without her catching on, but my mind couldn't seem to piece together words into a sensible sentence. She had that effect on me sometimes.

Before I could filter any thoughts, my mouth opened and the words, "Could you, uh, go...?" slipped out. 

Stupid, stupid, stupid. I mentally beat myself for being so forward and rude.

I could tell that I had hurt her, but she just nodded and walked back out without another word. Before completely turning, she cast a confused glance at Quinn, asking for an explanation. Quinn's eyes were downcast, avoiding her gaze. We were alone.

And that's when everything went downhill. In case you're thinking "YOU'RE AN IDIOT!", I would have to agree with you. Yes, that was one of the worst mistakes I've made in my life. It was the start of a slow decline, and it was torturous.

The rest of the evening was...tense, to say the least. Almost immediately after we finished talking, I ran upstairs to say goodbye to Trinity. I guess I wanted to make sure she wasn't angry or upset, but I had a snowball's chance in hell after I'd so insensitively kicked her out. After all, I had been closer with her than Quinn at the time.

"Trin!" The room was filled with noisy house guests, all doing a separate -yet equally loud- activity. I saw the flash of blonde hair and knew she'd seen me. She was playing a game of ping-pong with one of her cousins, and she leaned over to tell her something before making her way over to me.

She didn't look upset, but I could tell she was still a little thrown off from before. She stopped just in front of me, arms crossed, blue eyes boring into my own dark ones. Despite the awkwardness, she cracked a smile and said, "Yes?"

"I'm leaving," I stated matter-of-factly. "So come on and give your bestie a hug." I opened my arms with a small grin, waiting for her to take my offer.

As she leaned into the embrace, I caught the words, "Are you going to tell me what you were talking about?"

I pulled away, giving her my full attention. "Not right now. Maybe later." I said honestly. Again, more mental beating.

She opened her mouth to say something, but then paused, unsure if she should or not. "Was it about me?"

I nearly stopped breathing. I can't lie to her. "Yes. Ish. But we weren't like, gossiping or anything. Nothing bad. And it wasn't a lot. Just a mention, really." I ramble on, shoving my foot even deeper into my mouth than I had before.

"Uh-huh." She can tell I'm trying to cover something. "Well, I guess I'll see you at rehearsal tomorrow morning, then." And turns, walking back to her game.


I ran downstairs and caught Quinn in a conversation with an elderly relative. I stood by, waiting for her to finish up before grabbing her arm somewhat gently.

"Quinn," she could probably smell the fear wafting off me. "You cannot tell Trin what we were talking about under any circumstances, okay?" 

She looked down at my hand around her arm, eyebrows knit in confusion. I let go, realizing that some people might think I was crazy. "Sorry," I mumbled, "I'm just worried that, I dunno..."

She looked back up at me, understanding what I was asking, and I noticed her azure eyes are just a tad bit darker than her twin sister's. "Yeah, no worries. I won't tell her anything."

Whew. I let out a small sigh of relief, "Thank you. So much. I'm not asking you to lie to her, but...Just don't tell her everything." 

A smile appears on her face, "Of course." My brother made eye contact with me across the room, motioning that we were leaving. 

"Thank you again so much!" I slipped my arm around her shoulders for a quick squeeze. "I appreciate it more than you know!" I ran out to where my brother was waiting for me, nervous about how things would play out for the next couple months.

That's how my friendship with Quinn started, but there was going to be a lot more for me to worry about than if Trinity discovered my little secret.

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